Customer Testimonials

"Angela is the most talented and creative designer of custom scrapbook pages and invitations that I have ever encountered. I highly recommend her work. She has been designing custom scrapbook pages for me since my son's birth one year ago, and I have also used her services to create party invitations. There is no limit to her talent and creativity."
- Donna Wagner

"I would never settle for any custom work of this kind unless it came from Angela.   The birth announcement she created over 3 years ago still gets comments from people on its highly professional and intricate design.  I continue to use her talents to create scrapbook pages for me that people just “oogle” over.   I can give her a bunch of photos and she somehow can just put them together in a way that tells a personal story.  She is so very flexible, professional, creative and just darn good! "
- Susan Kanack